Hackathon Winners
Case Studies

Google Cloud 🌐
Iris was developed during a hackathon with the aim to tackle the issue of privacy breaches and inappropriate content on social media platforms like TikTok. Current content moderation systems are often reactive, only removing sensitive or inappropriate content after it's been reported. The challenge was to create a solution that could detect and prevent the publication of such content before it ever reaches the public.
Our Solution


Content Compliance

Iris ensures that content adheres to platform guidelines by providing real-time sanitization and compliance reporting.


Post-Publication Issues

Iris prevents the need for post-publication content removal by addressing issues before publication.


User Safety

Iris enhances user safety by reducing exposure to inappropriate content and ensuring privacy protections.
Automated Content Sanitization
This feature automatically sanitizes videos by blurring sensitive visuals and muting inappropriate audio based on analysis results. It provides a seamless user experience by ensuring that only compliant and safe content is published.
Suggested Changes
Generative AI analyzes both audio and visual content in real-time, identifying sensitive information and inappropriate language before publication. This proactive moderation ensures compliance with platform guidelines and protects user privacy.
United Nations & Salesforce: Rebooth The Earth 🌎
Soil Sentry is an AI-powered mobile app designed to reduce water wastage and improve crop yields. Agriculture is a water-intensive industry, and inefficient water usage is a pressing global issue. The challenge was to develop a user-friendly solution that could help farmers monitor soil moisture levels in real-time and make informed decisions on irrigation.
Our Solution


Water Waste

Soil Sentry optimizes water usage in agriculture by providing real-time data on soil moisture levels.


Manual Inspection Labour

Soil Sentry minimizes the need for labor-intensive manual inspections by using drones for crop monitoring.


Resource Management

Soil Sentry reduces water consumption and improves crop yield by managing resources more effectively.
Water Conservation Analytics
By optimizing water usage from rain water, Soil Sentry aims to prevent over-irrigation and ensures crops receive the right amount of water, improving yield and resource management.
Drone Crop Monitoring
Soil Sentry enables early detection of diseases and nutrient deficiencies, reducing the need for manual inspections and enhancing overall crop management.
NYU Blockchain & Fintech Club: Violet Pitch 🏥
RocketHealth was developed during a hackathon hosted by NYU Blockchain & Fintech, sponsored by the Aptos Foundation. As healthcare increasingly shifts into home settings, ensuring proper treatment adherence without professional supervision has become a significant challenge. The goal was to create a solution that could track and verify patient adherence to prescribed treatments using blockchain technology.
Our Solution


Medication Non-Adherence

RocketHealth ensures patients follow their prescribed treatment plans by automating reminders and tracking adherence.


Healthcare Workforce Crisis

RocketHealth helps healthcare providers with detailed data on medication intake, improving patient monitoring.


Lack of Data Integrity

RocketHealth provides a tamper-proof record of patient interactions, enhancing trust in treatment records.
Medication Adherence Tracking
This feature provides real-time tracking of patient medication adherence, offering automated reminders and updates. It ensures patients stay on track with their prescribed treatments, enhancing compliance and improving health outcomes.
Smart Contract Verification
Utilizing blockchain technology, this feature creates tamper-proof records of patient interactions and treatment schedules. It enhances trust in the accuracy of treatment data, reducing the risk of fraud and ensuring data integrity.
Roadblocks 🚧
1. Working Under Intense Time Pressure ⌛

One of the challenges I faced was managing tight deadlines. The pressure to deliver innovative solutions within a limited timeframe required effective time management and quick decision-making to ensure we met our goals without compromising quality.

2. Communication with Developers 🧑🧑🏻🧑🏽

Navigating communication with developers posed a challenge due to differing technical languages and terminologies. Bridging these gaps involved learning and adapting to technical jargon, which was crucial for clear and effective collaboration on project requirements.

3. Conflict & Disagreement Resolution 🤼

Resolving conflicts within the team was another roadblock. Addressing disagreements and finding mutually acceptable solutions required diplomatic skills and a focus on team cohesion to ensure progress and maintain a positive working environment.

Learning Takeaways  📚

Throughout the three projects, I gained invaluable experience in applying Generative AI to solve real-world challenges. This hands-on approach enabled me to tackle complex issues, collaborate effectively, and deliver impactful solutions under tight deadlines.

AI is the Future 🤖

I learned that Generative AI's ability to analyze and process data in innovative ways opens new avenues for creating impactful solutions to real-world problems.

Collaboration &  Adaptability🤝

I have learned that ffective collaboration requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to diverse perspectives and working styles.

Solving Problems 🧩

The ability to quickly identify issues, think creatively, and implement effective solutions was key to overcoming project challenges.

Storytelling 🗨️

I gained valuable experience in crafting compelling narratives and delivering clear, persuasive presentations to the judges.
Other Projects
Vanguard: AI Feedback Summary Tool

Saving $400K+ USD for Vanguard with Generative AI

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The Walt Disney: Designing Magical Experiences

Disney's Expansion into Southeast Asia

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Urban Outfitters: Warehouse Dashboard

Leverage working experience for 900+ warehouse employees

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Rapid Prototyping: Gen AI Hackathons

Three hackathon projects using Gen AI to solve real-world problems

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